O. P. Earle Elementary is a small Title 1 school located in Landrum, South Carolina. There are currently 384 students from 4K to 5th grade. Landrum is close-knit, small town and the school culture reflects that. O. P. Earle is proud to be student-centered, and focused on building positive relationships as a foundation for learning. Relationships between teachers and their students are very personal and last much longer than just the academic school year. The small atmosphere of Landrum and O. P. Earle is one of the core strengths of our school. Teachers often teach multiple siblings within a family and form strong bonds with our parents and community because of that. Our teachers are excited to be a part of the OPE family and that is evident in every classroom you enter. Lessons are hands on and engaging for students and art integration lessons can be found in all classrooms. The arts programs are constantly changing and evolving as the arts teachers strive to improve their content and push the students to learn and experience new things. During a typical school year children experience artists in residence, field trips, performances, and hands on arts instruction. Our school is fortunate to have a part time dance teacher for a portion of each school year, along with opportunities to produce plays and musicals in our Drama Club. This appreciation for the arts sets a tone across the building that the arts are treated with importance and intentionality. A variety of performances are offered during the school year through Muse Machine, Artists in Residence, and local groups and organizations that O.P. Earle has long standing participation with. The arts are a consistent part of our students’ education and we are proud of the progress we continually make as an ABC School.
100 Redland Road
Landrum, SC 29356