Strategic Plan Steering Committee
Crucial to a successful planning effort is the strategic plan steering committee. The team should include broad-based representation, not only from the educational community, but from the larger, external community as well. This steering committee must continue to function as the guiding committee and meet on a regular basis to review and revise the school’s arts education strategic plan. The steering committee serves as the advisory board at an ABC School.
The steering committee is charged with ensuring the Strategic Arts Plan meets the ongoing needs of students in arts education, arts integration, and provides advocacy for the arts within the educational institution and larger community. The steering committee is made up of at least 15 members.
- The steering committee should represent all aspects of the school’s make up including but not limited to teachers, teaching assistants, school and district administrators, parents, students, community members, artists and arts organizations.
- The steering committee is required to meet at least three times a year, maintain an attendance roster, and record minutes from each of the meetings to be included as part of the ABC final report.
- Steering committee responsibilities include subcommittees designed for specific duties such as arts education advocacy, press releases, special programs, parent involvement, and areas of interest pertinent to the school/district.
- Each meeting should include reading, updating, or sharing some portion of the school’s strategic plan to move the goals of the school arts education strategic plan forward. The ABC Institute will provide strategic planning workshops at no charge.
- Possible ABC Arts Education Steering Committee Members include district and school administrators, district and school arts educators, school board members, school or district grant writing committee, parents, grandparents, PTA/PTO representative, school improvement representatives, classroom teachers, students, community leaders, or community arts representatives, business/industry leaders, city and county council members, and special friends of the school.
How to Become an ABC School
School & Grant Management