Kingsbury Elementary

An ABC School Since 2015

Arts Mission, Vision, & Goals

Arts Mission

To provide our students with quality integrated learning experiences through the visual and performing arts.

Arts Vision
  • We will write and implement a dance curriculum to be offered to all students.
  • We will write and implement a theatre curriculum to be offered to all students.
  • All teachers, both arts and other academics, attend arts learning opportunities and share learned practices to enrich the arts.
  • We will have a dedicated rehearsal and performance area for the arts.
  • Students will experience and learn from the arts through interactions with peers, arts professionals, and their community.
Arts Goals
  • We will provide a high quality, comprehensive, sequential, standards-based curriculum in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts for the students.
  • We will provide adequate facilities and improve the effectiveness of the visual and performing arts classrooms.
  • We will provide visual and performing arts professional learning opportunities for teachers, administrators, and support staff.
  • We will promote a positive relationship with the visual and performing arts through advocacy and support of the arts.

Points of Pride

  • Our annual Spring Musical, which involves all students, is always a big success. It is a great way to showcase the skills and talents of our students.
  • Parent Engagement at our school is a way for our school to involve our parents in the arts. This year’s Family Reading Night allowed parents and students to create their own comics and masks.
  • Artists in Residence are an important way that we further connect the arts with our students.

Profile Card

825 Kingsbury Road
Sumter, SC 29154
District: Sumter