Heath Springs Elementary School

An ABC School Since 2011

Arts Mission, Vision, & Goals

Arts Mission

HSE makes connections to our world through the visual and performing arts as we prepare our students to be college and career ready.

Arts Vision
  1. We are arts-infused and STEAM driven, performing at level 4 on the STEAM continuum while seeking ARTS/STEAM certification.
  2. We are using our newly constructed district multi-purpose arts facility for our community to attend district and community events, working together with our feeder schools, performing for our community and hosting artistic galleries.
  3. We continue to request and work toward having a full-time dance and theater teacher(s).
  4. We continue to be a Certified ABC site supported by DAP and ABC grants where students are excelling in arts education and awareness, student opportunities, and community collaboration.
  5. We are an educational community where we work together with stakeholders in a collaborative partnership to provide a comprehensive and sequential arts education for all students.
Arts Goals
  • To develop and improve visual and performing arts facilities, equipment, and materials.
  • To increase and improve student opportunities and achievement in the arts through curriculum assessment based on the implementation of the 2017 College and Career Ready Standards for the VPA.
  • To develop a comprehensive VPA program through increased arts in the classroom, community, and culture.

Points of Pride

  • We incorporate STEAM lessons in every grade level weekly.
  • We put on a yearly musical for grades 3-5 and a yearly dessert musical theatre for grades KG-2.
  • We have a pottery room, pottery classes and a pottery club.
  • We have student drawn banners on Main St Heath Springs.
  • We are influencing our community’s culture with the Little Free Art Museums all over town.

Profile Card

158 Solar Road
Heath Springs, SC 29058
District: Lancaster