Arts Mission, Vision, & Goals
Arts Mission
To guide, prepare, and engage learners to succeed academically, artistically, and technologically for the future they create.
Arts Vision
A culturally accepting school community in which:
- Greater community & stakeholders build on a positive relationship with the school and the arts programs
- Students are recognized and celebrated for their achievements in and through the arts
- Arts standards and vocabulary are utilized in order to make connections and strengthen achievement
- All staff attend arts integration learning opportunities and share their learning experiences
- Outdoor amphitheater is utilized for performances
- All Arts classes have sufficient materials and equipment to support curriculum needs
Arts Goals
- To maintain and improve a comprehensive VPA program aligned with SC College & Career-Ready Standards for VPA Proficiency.
- To strengthen academic achievement through an Arts-Integrated Curriculum.
- To increase Advanced Arts opportunities for Artistically gifted & highly interested students.
- To establish, through advocacy and education, a positive relationship with the VPA and community and to improve upon facilities an equipment.
Points of Pride
- Arts classes offered for each grade level include: Band, Orchestra, General Music, Dance, Drama, and Visual Art.
- Annual Musical Theatre production and Performing Arts concerts
- Arts Integration professional development is provided for all staff throughout the school year.
- Guests Artists involved in on-campus residencies throughout the school year.