“Due to Covid19, we understand you may have inquiries concerning the upcoming SCDE Summer Arts Institutes. Please direct your questions to the SCDE VPA Grant Manager, Scott Scrivner (sscrivner@ed.sc.gov). If you have an interest in registering for any of the upcoming institutes, please contact Nicole Davenport at the SC Department of Education (scdesummerartsinstitute@gmail.com).”
Strategic Arts Planning Institute (Must bring a team of 4-5 teachers)
NO Prerequisites
Graduate course credit is not awarded for this institute although participants can receive contact hours.
This institute is designed to support schools and districts in writing a strategic arts plan. Schools and Districts must bring a planning team of 4–5 participants to the institute to write or update their comprehensive strategic arts plan that includes dance, design, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. The purpose of developing a strategic arts plan is to significantly improve student achievement in the visual and performing arts based on the implementation of the 2017 South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Proficiency. This institute is provided for participants who currently need help with their strategic arts plan and/or grants management, need to update their plan, or who are interested in planning to develop innovative opportunities in the arts for their students.
Pre-Institute meeting: May, in Columbia Area
Strategic Arts Planning Institute Week: June 8-12, 2020 in Columbia
Post-Institute: TBA
June 08 - June 12
Columbia Area
SC Department of Education