“Due to Covid19, we understand you may have inquiries concerning the upcoming SCDE Summer Arts Institutes. Please direct your questions to the SCDE VPA Grant Manager, Scott Scrivner (sscrivner@ed.sc.gov). If you have an interest in registering for any of the upcoming institutes, please contact Nicole Davenport at the SC Department of Education (scdesummerartsinstitute@gmail.com).”
Joint Arts Administrators Institute (for Arts coordinators and administrators)
Graduate course credit is not awarded for this institute although participants can receive contact hours toward recertification.
Please note to contact Eve Walling-Wohlford directly at eve@palmettoartsed.org to find out more information and register for this institute.
This institute provides professional development opportunities in the arts for district arts coordinators, principals of arts-focused schools, school-based arts administrators, and the larger arts education community. The goal of the 2019-2020 Joint Arts Administrators Institute is to provide administrators with a deep dive into the four arts disciplines by examining the nuts and bolts of successful programs as outlined in the Opportunity to Learn (OTL) standards for each national arts organization. In addition, administrators will spend time looking at the South Carolina OTL standards and provide feedback for how those could be updated.
Post- Joint Arts Administrators Institute: June, 2020, Online
June 17 - June 18
Greenville Area