The Arts in Basic Curriculum Project is pleased to announce Kelly Hall as our new Program Specialist. In this role, Kelly will work with leaders from across the state in service to ABC Institute’s vision – that every SC student has access to and benefits from quality, comprehensive arts education. An arts educator herself, Kelly served as Beaufort Middle School’s theatre teacher for the past six years. Beaufort Middle School has been an ABC Site since 2009 and is an Arts-Integration School of Choice in the Beaufort County School District offering chorus, band, guitar, visual arts, media arts, theatre, creative writing, and dance instruction.
“I am so excited to join the ABC team and share my passion for arts integration. As a former arts educator and ABC Grant manager, I truly believe that arts education provides students with the skills they need to be successful in any career field, “Hall said.
For the past four years Kelly also served as the ABC Advancement Grant Manager, responsible for not only the fiduciary disbursement of grant funds and reporting but collaborating with colleagues and community members to determine Beaufort Middle School’s strategic goals and actionable steps to achieve them. Recognized for her excellence, Kelly was selected the Beaufort Middle School 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year. She is a member of the SC Theatre Association, Palmetto State Arts Education, and Palmetto State Teachers Association.
“Kelly has the perfect combination of experience and enthusiasm. Her first-hand knowledge as an arts educator and ABC grant manager, an understanding of the ABC Institute legacy in combination with her ambitious ideas of what is possible in the future make her the perfect fit,” said Kim Wilson, ABC Institute Director.
Kelly Hall joins the ABC Institute team effective August 1, 2019.