Mabry Middle School

An ABC School Since 2018

Arts Mission, Vision, & Goals

Arts Mission

Mabry Middle School’s Arts Education mission is “Count on Me” to perform and create to the best of my ability for my school, for my community, and for myself.

Arts Vision

Mabry Middle School’s Arts Education vision is to provide an exemplary and sequential arts education to every student by highly-qualified, full-time arts educators.

Arts Goals
  • To offer exemplary, sequential, and comprehensive arts education in all arts disciplines while also reinforcing the importance of arts education through arts integrated lessons.
  • To maintain and strengthen the partnership between the culture of the school and the culture of the community and stakeholders in the realm of arts education.
  • For each academic arts class to be taught by highly-qualified teachers who are knowledgeable on current technological and other educational resources experienced through professional development opportunities.

Points of Pride

  • Academic Arts is respected and supported by all staff and admin
  • Teachers believe in their students, Students trust in their teachers
  • Every student is enrolled in at least 1 Academic Arts class

Profile Card

35 Oakland Avenue
Inman, SC 29349
District: Spartanburg 1