Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary

An ABC School Since 2009

Arts Mission, Vision, & Goals

Arts Mission

The study of fine arts, through its inherent ability to develop intellectual and emotional communication skills, encourages cultural awareness and enriches society. The Dorchester District Two fine arts curriculum provides opportunities for students to attain the knowledge and skills necessary to become artistically literate, well-round individuals.

Arts Vision

Creativity and community empower every learner to reach their greatest potential in a safe and nurturing environment. Students develop competence, character, and critical thinking skills through rigorous, innovative instruction and diverse, arts-infused experiences.

Arts Goals
  • Develop, strengthen, and embrace an arts infused curriculum for all students.
  • Provide professional development opportunities by incorporating arts infused curriculum for all teachers.
  • Immerse students in multiple fine arts opportunities and experiences throughout the year to build a strong, and diverse fine arts skill set.
  • Support and promote arts education and appreciation in the community.

Points of Pride

  • “Our Core Arts Program-our 4th and 5th grade students are able to select a fine arts area to focus on each semester. They attend their chosen fine arts class almost every day. “
  • “Arts Infusion- We are an arts infused school where integrated lessons happen daily in a variety of ways.”

Profile Card

8600 William Moultrie Drive
North Charleston, SC 29420
District: Dorchester 2